Meeting Senator Wyden
Soooo as many of you may know, two weeks ago on the 15th of February, I got a super cool opportunity to meet one of Oregon's Senators - Senator Wyden. It was super awesome so I thought I should write a blog post about it :) I've mentioned Youthline before, but for those of you who aren't too familiar with it, it's the teen to teen crisis line that I volunteer at. Teens from all over the US and also internationally text, online chat, or call in and other teens (like myself) answer. I find it super awesome, and although I may be biased, think that it bridges the mental health gap that a lot of teens face. Anyways, so Senator Wyden is looking to pass a bill or legislature that will hopefully designate a 3-digit mental health crisis number. Countries already have numbers like this, be it 911 or 999, where there is a line to call in emergencies. But what about mental health emergencies? In the US there is a national crisis line, but do you know what it is? The answer...