
Showing posts from February, 2019

Meeting Senator Wyden

Soooo as many of you may know, two weeks ago on the 15th of February, I got a super cool opportunity to meet one of Oregon's Senators - Senator Wyden. It was super awesome so I thought I should write a blog post about it :) I've mentioned Youthline before, but for those of you who aren't too familiar with it, it's the teen to teen crisis line that I volunteer at. Teens from all over the US and also internationally text, online chat, or call in and other teens (like myself) answer. I find it super awesome, and although I may be biased, think that it bridges the mental health gap that a lot of teens face. Anyways, so Senator Wyden is looking to pass a bill or legislature that will hopefully designate a 3-digit mental health crisis number. Countries already have numbers like this, be it 911 or 999, where there is a line to call in emergencies. But what about mental health emergencies? In the US there is a national crisis line, but do you know what it is? The answer...

New Job!

Hello everybody! I can't believe it's February already, the time has flown! As you can probably tell by the title of the blog, I got a new job recently which has been super fun and exciting. After working at Topgolf for about two and a half years, I finally gave it up and decided it was time to pursue something that I'm more passionate about. My passion for helping people led me to the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) here in Portland. What's been cool so far is that I've never really worked with any kids with autism before, and it's been so fun playing with them and seeing how differently autism affects every person. These last two weeks... or was it three? I don't really remember, but anyway, for the last couple of weeks, I've just been doing training. I did about 40 hours of e-learning in the office last week and the week before, while this week I have started my overlaps. The overlaps are basically where I shadow the other therapists ...