Christmas Week

Hello again! Sorry for the lapse in posts for a bit - it's been quite hectic. So. Let me tell you everything. Well, let me try lump everything in at least. On Friday the 21st of December, it was my cousin (Corrie)'s 18th birthday party. It was one of the big events of the week, and I think a couple of people were expecting a blog post about already, but let me backtrack a little and I'll tell you why I haven't written it yet.

So on Thursday night - the eve of the party - we had just moved into the next house we were staying in. I was so excited for the party, but of course, my happiness jinxed something. That night I went to bed and even though I was wearing enough clothes to go to Antarctica, I was still lying shivering and trying to bury my head under my pillow to escape the pounding in my head. Yeeeeep, I got a virus. Fun fun fun. So, since my dad wouldn't be arriving until Friday night, I decided l would just go sleep with my mum so she could take care of me like when I was younger :)

The next morning I woke up worse than I was the night before. I was feverish, shivering, sweaty, nauseous, and still had a cracking headache. That was also the day of Corrie's party. Her party was supposed to start at seven that night, and I was freaking out because I thought there was no way I was going to make it in the condition I was in - bedridden all day. Thankfully, when my mum came home from shopping she gave me some paracetamol to help with some of the symptoms. I tried eating something to fill my stomach and hopefully give me some more energy but, of course, I wasn't able to. After a little while though, the medicine started to kick in and I felt a little less delirious. Yay! After a shower and some ibuprofen, I started feeling a lot better. I decided that even though I had felt so bad earlier, I still had to go to the party. After all, the show must go on :) Anyways, long story short, it was really fun but I was sad that I wasn't able to drink a single thing that night. A single thing.

And I'm sorry to say but that's how this sad story continues. I should have just titled this blog post 'Sophie's Sober Adventures' because I haven't been able to have a drink all the way from last Thursday until now (Wednesday 26th December). Which is stupid because I didn't come all the way to Scotland to not drink. Especially on Christmas Day...

Anyway, so by now you've probably realised that I have still been sick over the last couple of days with more sweating, fevers, and also a super fun rash that showed up on Monday night. Sickness aside though, staying in this house and having Christmas here yesterday was really cool. The house is basically shaped like a horseshoe and in the middle of that is the indoor, heated pool... That I can't use because of how I've been feeling. Yay. Thorfinn and everybody else have really enjoyed it though and it's fun to watch them swimming around and splashing each other. I've been sleeping until about eleven in the morning each day and sleeping like the dead because of the fever, but yesterday I was ceremoniously woken up by my five-year-old cousin, Alannah at about 7:45 to open presents. After making my tea to wake up a little bit we went through to open stockings and listen to Christmas music. I got loads of really amazing presents from everybody though, but my biggest one was a voucher to go skydiving from my mum and dad. I am super excited because that's one of my bucket list items and a once in a lifetime opportunity. It'll be really scary but really really cool as well, so expect another blog about that in the future!
Christmas Dinner <3

It was really amazing being with my whole family again. I haven't been with everybody for Christmas in so long and it was really exciting. There is nothing like being surrounded by the people you love and sharing the laughter, warmth, and happiness with them. It has been really really nice.

Well, although I wasn't really able to go very deeply into everything because I slacked off again (sorry!), I hope this gives you all a bit of an insight into what we've been up to at least. Hope everybody had an amazing Christmas (if you celebrate it), and an amazing winter holiday!


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