More Airport Fun!
With 5 minutes left until boarding time, the captain comes on the speaker at the gate and announces that due to really strong winds at Schipol, they have closed all but 5 runways for departures and arrivals so the 'capacity for flights is down to about 30%' -_- Alright, so I'm thinking well that's unfortunate, but a little delay won't be too bad. Until he said 'so we won't be leaving now until about 8:15am.' Keep in mind that this was at 5:45 in the morning, and after I had already been at the airport since 4am. Alright, this is fine, I can wait two and a half hours... it could be worse I thought. That was when I realised my next flight from Amsterdam to Portland was departing at 8:50. Soooo there was no way I was going to be able to make that.
This is the part where I literally sat back and just accepted that airports and I just don't work well together. The universe has some kind of sick humour where it finds annoying ways to make my easy travel plans somehow turn very frustrating. Long story short, I am now at Schipol waiting (this sound familiar) for 5 hours before I catch the plane from here to LA and then from LA back to Portland. Super super fun. Let me tell you - you're all missing out on these amazing travel detours and setbacks - they're so awesome.
Anyways, it's sorted now and it could have been worse so not too big of a deal... just frustrating. I was supposed to get into Portland at about lunchtime but now won't be getting in until about 10:30pm. Noice. There also aren't any USB ports here at Schipol (which I find surprising) so my phone is suffering a little. I mean, on the bright side, I get more time for reading and working on that 50 books in my gap year challenge.
I'll sign off for now and keep you all updated for any other airport drama that occurs because I know you are all on the edge of your seats with this thrilling travel adventure. Just kidding. Anyways, hope everybody's morning/evening was more fun than mine - see ya soon!
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